
  • Official website of 大阪芸術大学附属大阪美術専門学校

Notice from Professional Training College

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School overview

School name (Japanese)大阪芸術大学附属大阪美術専門学校
School name (English)OSAKA COLLEGE OF ART
School name (in Roman letters)Osaka Geijutsu Daigaku Fuzoku Osaka Bijutsu Senmongakko
Street address2-23-9 Bishoen, Abeno-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 545-0003


Recruiter / AdmissionsCareer Support Center / Admission Center
nearest stationGet off at "Mishoen" station on the JR Hanwa line, and walk for 4 minutes (one stop from Tennoji station)
Get off at "Koboreguchi" station on the Kintetsu-Minami Osaka line, and walk for 5 minutes (one stop from Osaka Abenobashi station)
Number of international students enrolled48 people
Main countries / regions of origin of international studentsChina, Taiwan, Vietnam, South Korea, Hong Kong, Mongolia, Malaysia
Existence of examination for international studentsYes
International student selection testInternational students can take the following entrance exams.
[Entrance exam with full tuition fee exemption] Reception: 2023/10/2~10/20 Test date: 10/29 Selection method: Pencil drawing, interview Selection fee: 20,000 yen [AO entrance exam] Reception: 6/1~2/19 Test date: 6/18 - 2/25 Selection method: Interview Selection fee: 5,000 yen [Self-recommendation entrance exam, adult entrance exam] Reception: 1/17 - 3/13 Test date: 2/7 or 3/20 Selection Method: Interview Selection fee: 20,000 yen
Education policy / characteristics / original individual guidance and follow-up system for international studentsOur school is a Professional Training College attached to Osaka University of Arts. Because it is attached, the tuition fee is reasonable. Moreover, if you get excellent grades at our school, get the title of a diploma, and get the recommendation of a teacher, you can open the way to transfer to the third year of Osaka University of Arts using the internal recommendation transfer system. Most of the lessons are practical training, but since all the lessons are conducted in Japanese, communication skills in Japanese are indispensable. Please take the exam after acquiring Japanese proficiency. Also, since it is a Professional Training College, attendance is very important.
Internship status[Implementation of internships for international students]
Yes. Same as Japanese students [Details of specific efforts]
Under the same conditions as Japanese students, we will respond individually according to each desired occupation.
[Industry of the internship destination]
Design industry (Limited to industries and occupations where our school's expertise can be utilized.)
Employment support for international studentsEmployment guidance (general), resume writing and correction guidance, interview guidance, other guidance (individual guidance centered)
Overseas affiliated companies, schools, etc.Nothing
Contents of overseas cooperation
Qualification acquisitionColorist certification 3rd and 2nd grade, Illustrator creator ability certification test expert, Photoshop creator ability certification test expert, gas welding skill, etc.
Career after graduation of international students【find work】
Japan Regeneration Electronics Co., Ltd., Tryout Co., Ltd., SL Partners Co., Ltd. [Advancement]
Osaka University of Arts/(Faculty of Art, Graduate School)
As our school is a Professional Training College, employment in Japan is limited to specialized positions based on our graduation qualifications. International students who have a university degree can find employment in non-professional positions, but many international students who do not have a university degree transfer to the third year of Osaka University of Arts. is.
Employment rate of international students (employees / applicants)
System for international students【scholarship】
・ Privately funded international student scholarship (benefit) 100,000 yen / year
Other acceptance conditions・Those who have completed 12 years of education and have reached the age of 18. ・Those who reside in Japan for the purpose of studying and have a status of residence of “Student” under the “Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act”, or have changed to that status.・Those who have Japanese ability to understand the classes of the Professional Training College(Please check the student application guidelines for details)
Introduction of accommodationYes
Life guidance, orientation, etc. in JapanGuidance for international students is held every April. (Attendance required)
Part-time job introduction / part-time job policySame as Japanese students. If you need to work part-time, we will introduce you to the extent that it does not interfere with your studies. (For international students, be sure to obtain permission to engage in activities other than those permitted under the status of residence previously granted, and conduct activities within the scope of that permission.)

Outline of Department for International Student Recruitment

Department of Comprehensive Design

Recruitment contentsDiploma / Co-education / Recruitment capacity: 110 / Admission period April / Year of study: 3 years
Tuition[Tuition fee] Admission fee: 190,000 yen / Tuition fee: 650,000 yen / Facility equipment fee: 320,000 yen / Total (first year) 1,160,000 yen [Course] Graphic design course, digital design course, illustration course, product design course, interior design course 5 of
Number of class hoursYear / week[Lecture / Practice]840-1080h / year 28-36h] [10:90] (1 unit time 90 minutes)

Department of Comic Art

Recruitment contentsDiploma / Co-education / Recruitment capacity: 110 / Admission period April / Year of study: 2 years
Tuition[Tuition fee] Admission fee: 190,000 yen / Tuition fee: 650,000 yen / Facility equipment fee: 320,000 yen / Total (first year) 1,160,000 yen [Course] Manga course, comic illustration course, anime course, figure course, arts and crafts course 5
Number of class hoursYear / week[Lecture / Practice]870 to 1120 hours a year / 29 to 37 hours a week] [10:90] (1 unit time 90 minutes)

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List of Professional Training College belonging to the field of culture and liberal arts