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School overview

School name (Japanese)大阪ハイテクノロジー専門学校
School name (English)Osaka College of High Technology
School name (in Roman letters)Osaka Haitekunoroji Senmongakko
Street address1-2-43 Miyahara, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 532-00003


Recruiter / AdmissionsEntrance Examination Secretariat
nearest station5 minutes walk from Shin-Osaka Station on the JR, Osaka Metro Midosuji Line
Number of international students enrolled11 people
Main countries / regions of origin of international students11 people from China
Existence of examination for international studentsYes
International student selection testPlease contact us for details.
Education policy / characteristics / original individual guidance and follow-up system for international studentsBased on "international education," which is one of the founding principles, we will train global higher vocational human resources who can play an active role internationally. We are also actively conducting two-way international exchanges with overseas affiliated universities in the United States and China.
Internship statusImplemented as appropriate
Employment support for international studentsEmployment guidance (general), resume, resume creation guidance Interview guidance
Overseas affiliated companies, schools, etc.Nothing
Contents of overseas cooperation
Qualification acquisitionClinical engineer (national exam)
Type 1 ME Technology Proficiency Test Type 2 ME Technology Proficiency Test Technical English Proficiency Test Japanese Language Proficiency Test Japanese Examination for International Students News Current Affairs Proficiency Test Medical Radiology Technician (National Examination)
Career after graduation of international students[Employment company name]
Jurakukai Medical Corporation Ohno Memorial Hospital, Tazuke Kofukai Medical Research Institute Kitano Hospital, Tokushukai Medical Corporation Nozaki Tokushukai Hospital, Kaikokai Medical Corporation Nagoya Kyoritsu Hospital, Mitsubishi Kyoto Hospital, Ikoma City Hospital, Kyoto Prefectural Hospital Northern Medical Center, University of Medicine, Neyagawa Keijinkai Clinic, Takeda Hospital, Koseikai Medical Corporation, Iseikai Medical Corporation Hospital [Destinations]
Osaka University Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Graduate School of Medicine, Doshisha University Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, etc.
Employment rate of international students (employees / applicants)100% (4/4) *Last year results
System for international studentsMinistry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Foreign Student Learning Incentive Fee
Other acceptance conditions
Introduction of accommodationNothing
Life guidance, orientation, etc. in JapanIn order to get a job in Japan in the future, he always teaches lifestyle and greetings in school life.
Part-time job introduction / part-time job policy

Outline of Department for International Student Recruitment

Department of Sports Science (Specialized Course for Occupational Practice)

Recruitment contentsDiploma / Co-education / Recruitment capacity 40 / Admission period April / Recruitment years 2 years
Tuition1,240,000 yen (including admission fee) * A separate textbook fee is required
Number of class hoursYear / week[Lecture / Practice]1,140h/year 30h/week

Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Sports (Specialized Course for Occupational Practice)

Recruitment contentsDiploma / Co-education / Recruitment capacity 30 / Admission period April / Recruitment period 3 years
Tuition1,615,000 yen (including admission fee) * A separate textbook fee is required
Number of class hoursYear / week[Lecture / Practice]1,170h / year 30h / week

Judo Rehabilitation Sports Department (vocational practice specialized course)

Recruitment contentsDiploma / Co-education / Recruitment capacity 30 / Admission period April / Recruitment period 3 years
Tuition1,585,000 yen (including admission fee) * A separate textbook fee is required
Number of class hoursYear / week[Lecture / Practice]1,305h/1 year 30h/week

Judo Rehabilitation Department (vocational practice specialized course)

Recruitment contentsDiploma / Co-education / Recruitment capacity 30 / Admission period April / Recruitment period 3 years
Tuition1,585,000 yen (including admission fee) * A separate textbook fee is required
Number of class hoursYear / week[Lecture / Practice]915h/1 year 15h/week

Department of Clinical Engineering (Daytime) (Specialized Course for Occupational Practice)

Recruitment contentsDiploma / Co-education / Recruitment capacity 40 / Admission period April / Recruitment period 3 years
Tuition1,545,000 yen (including admission fee) * A separate textbook fee is required
Number of class hoursYear / week[Lecture / Practice]1,110h / year 30h / week

Department of Bio-Regenerative Medicine (Specialized Course for Occupational Practice)

Recruitment contentsDiploma / Co-education / Recruitment capacity 38 / Admission period April / Recruitment period 3 years
Tuition1,255,000 yen (including admission fee) * A separate textbook fee is required
Number of class hoursYear / week[Lecture / Practice]1,080h / year 30h / week

Department of Clinical Engineering

Recruitment contentsCo-education / Recruitment capacity 40 people / Admission period April / Recruitment years 1 year
Tuition1,270,000 yen (including admission fee) * A separate textbook fee is required
Number of class hoursYear / week[Lecture / Practice]2,205h / year 30-40h / week

Department of Artificial Intelligence

Recruitment contentsDiploma / Co-education / Recruitment capacity 40 / Admission period April / Recruitment period 3 years
Tuition1,285,000 yen (including admission fee) * A separate textbook fee is required
Number of class hoursYear / week[Lecture / Practice]1,065h / year 30h / week

Department of Radiological Gishi (Daytime)

Recruitment contentsAdvanced Diploma / Co-education / Recruitment capacity 40 / Admission period April / Recruitment years 4 years
Tuition1,495,000 yen (including admission fee) * A separate textbook fee is required
Number of class hoursYear / week[Lecture / Practice]810h/year 30h/week

Japanese Language Department (1 year system)

Recruitment contentsCo-education / Recruitment capacity 20 people / Admission period April / Recruitment years 1 year
Tuition630,000 yen (including admission fee) *Separate textbook fees, etc. required
Number of class hoursYear / week[Lecture / Practice]800h / year 30-40h / week

Japanese Language Department (1.5 years)

Recruitment contentsCo-education / Recruitment capacity 40 people / Admission period October / Recruitment years 1.5 years
Tuition840,000 yen (including admission fee) *Separate textbook fees required
Number of class hoursYear / week[Lecture / Practice]1,200h / 1.5 years 30h-40h / week

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Working and active graduates from 大阪ハイテクノロジー専門学校

List of Professional Training College belonging to the field of culture and liberal arts