Sozosha Design Professional Training College

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Notice from Professional Training College

School overview

School name (Japanese)Sozosha Design Professional Training College
School name (English)sozosha college of design
School name (in Roman letters)Sozoshadezain Senmongakko
Street address1-25-15 Edobori, Nishi-ku, Osaka 550-0002

Recruiter / AdmissionsAdmissions Counseling Center / Komori
nearest station6 minutes walk from Higobashi Station on the Osaka Metro Yotsubashi Line
Number of international students enrolled6 people
Main countries / regions of origin of international studentsChina, Mongolia, Korea, Vietnam
Existence of examination for international studentsYes
International student selection testInterview test and document screening (with writing assignments)
Education policy / characteristics / original individual guidance and follow-up system for international studentsThere is no distinction between Japanese nationality and foreign nationality, and we will develop the skills and qualities as a designer necessary for two years for those who seriously study design and want to work in design. The content of practical training and exercises, not lectures, in a small class is a point that even international students can take classes without difficulty. The sense of distance from the teacher is close, and what you don't understand can be solved on the spot. We also provide employment support from correction of resumes to portfolio creation.
Internship statusYes/This system allows all students who wish to participate in an internship.
Especially for international students, an internship is essential to work as a designer in Japan.
Employment support for international studentsSelf-analysis and portfolio creation are thoroughly supported in a class called Career Program. There are also plenty of events that connect students and companies, such as company information sessions and portfolio exhibitions (matching meetings with companies) on campus.
Overseas affiliated companies, schools, etc.Nothing
Contents of overseas cooperation
Qualification acquisition
Career after graduation of international studentsInternational students who want to get a job in Japan are working as designers. The place of employment varies depending on the major, but I am mainly employed by companies in Osaka as graphic designers, web designers, interior designers, and product designers.
Employment rate of international students (employees / applicants)80% / 100%
System for international studentsOur school's unique scholarship system
Other acceptance conditionsJapanese level N2 or higher
Introduction of accommodationYes
Life guidance, orientation, etc. in JapanParticipate in the regular orientation, and if you have any questions about the content, we will respond individually.
Part-time job introduction / part-time job policyWhen there is a part-time job in design, it is well known to all students. If there is an individual consultation for a part-time job, we will introduce it if there is a guide for recruiting part-time jobs, but we do not actively introduce regular part-time jobs.

Outline of Department for International Student Recruitment

Department of ICT Design and Marketing (Professional Practical Course)

Recruitment contentsICT Design Major / Specialist / Co-educational / Recruitment capacity: 20 people / Enrollment period: April / Years of study: 2 years
TuitionFirst year tuition: 1.32 million yen (admission fee: 120,000 yen, expenses 480,000 yen, tuition fee 720,000 yen)
Number of class hoursYear / week[Lecture / Practice]1,840 hours (2 years, 5 days a week)
Holiday classes available (1 credit time 90 minutes)

Department of Manufacturing (Professional Practical Course)

Recruitment contentsGraphic major, Illustration major, Interior major, Product major / Specialist degree / Co-educational / Recruitment capacity: 20 people / Enrollment period: April / Years of study: 2 years
TuitionFirst year tuition: 1.32 million yen (admission fee: 120,000 yen, expenses 480,000 yen, tuition fee 720,000 yen)
Number of class hoursYear / week[Lecture / Practice]1,840 hours (2 years, 5 days a week)
Holiday classes available (1 credit time 90 minutes)

Design Department

Recruitment contentsGraphic major, Illustration major, Interior major, Product major / Co-educational / Recruitment capacity: 20 students / Enrollment period: April / Years of study: 2 years
TuitionFirst year tuition: 120,000 yen (admission fee: 120,000 yen, expenses 360,000 yen, tuition fee 540,000 yen)
Number of class hoursYear / week[Lecture / Practice]1,620 hours (2 years, 3-5 days a week)
Holiday classes available (1 credit time 90 minutes)

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Creation company design Professional Training College introduction video

Graduates working as manufacturers of fun miscellaneous goods

Picture book exhibition by three graduates

I asked Mr. Kawabata to create a character for our school office manager ~Part 2~

Idea Sketch Product Design Edition by Mr. Yano

International Student Interview ~School Life~

School introduction video

Requesting Professor Kawabata to create a character for the school secretary-Part 1-

Portfolio Exhibition For those who couldn't come to the exhibition hall!

School introduction video

Illustrator — Gradient Mesh Technique

Color your hand-drawn illustrations with the free app

Pen-filling scenery released!

To the video list of this school

List of Professional Training College belonging to the field of culture and liberal arts