
  • 日本メディカル福祉専門学校 Official Website

Notice from Professional Training College

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School overview

School name (Japanese)日本メディカル福祉専門学校
School name (in Roman letters)Nihon Medeikaru Fukushi Senmongakko
Street address1-3-14 Osumi, Higashiyodogawa-ku, Osaka 533-0015


Recruiter / AdmissionsAdmissions office
nearest station8 minutes walk from Kamishinjo Station on the Hankyu Kyoto Line
8 minutes walk from Osaka Metro "Daido Toyosato" station
Number of international students enrolled3 people
Main countries / regions of origin of international studentsChina, Nepal
Existence of examination for international studentsYes
International student selection test[Reception] 1st September 1, 2023 - December 8, 2023, 2nd December 11, 2023 - March 31, 2024 (Applications from overseas must be submitted by December 8, 2023)
[Test date] Recruitment guidelines stated
[Selection method] Essay, interview, Japanese (selection fee) 20,000 yen (22,000 yen for applications from overseas)
Education policy / characteristics / original individual guidance and follow-up system for international studentsIt is a school with a training facility for national qualifications of "clinical engineer" and "nursery teacher".
After receiving designation from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, students who graduate from the Department of Clinical Engineering are eligible to take the examination for "clinical engineer", and those who graduate from the Department of Child Welfare can acquire the qualification of "nursery teacher".
In order to find a job in Japan, we will provide the same education as Japanese people, aiming to improve the Japanese level and acquire specialized skills.
Internship status[Internship implementation for international students]

・Mitsubishi Kyoto Hospital ・Kansai Medical University Hospital ・Morinomiya Hospital ・Sumire Infants' Home ・Childcare facility Tajima Doen ・Dainenbutsu Infants' Home ・Osaka City Toyosato 2nd Nursery School ・Sugawara Nursery School, etc.
Employment support for international studentsEmployment guidance (general), resume / resume creation guidance, interview guidance, and other guidance
Overseas affiliated companies, schools, etc.Nothing
Contents of overseas cooperation
Qualification acquisition[Department of Clinical Engineering]
Eligibility: “Clinical Engineer” Examination (National)
Acquisition target qualification: Type 2 ME technical proficiency test (Private)

[Department of Child Welfare]
Qualifications acquired at graduation: Nursery teacher (National)
Career after graduation of international students[Employment industry/occupation]
Department of Clinical Engineering → Clinical Engineer [Name of company to work for]
・Osaka Umeda Iseikai Clinic ・Moriguchi Keijinkai Hospital ・Kyoto Renes Hospital ・(Company Fuku) Lemonkai [Name of school to attend]
・Osaka University of Human Sciences
Employment rate of international students (employees / applicants)3 people employed / 3 people seeking employment, employment rate 100%
System for international students[Japan Student Services Organization Scholarship System]
Recommendations for 2023 [Scholarship system for international students]
Entrance fee exemption and tuition fee reduction available through scholarship system For those who pass the school recommendation ・Clinical Engineering Department Entrance fee exemption 500,000 yen annual tuition fee ・Child Welfare Department Admission fee exemption 100,000 yen annual tuition fee exemption
Other acceptance conditions・ Attendance rate at Japanese language education institutions is 80% or more ・ Those who are 18 years old or older and have completed 12 years or more of school education abroad. Or those who are expected to complete by the time of admission ・ Those who have passed the Japanese Language Proficiency Test N2 (Level 2) or higher *
・ Persons with a score of 200 points or more on the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students "Japanese Course" *
・ Persons with a score of 400 points or more on the BJT Business Japanese Proficiency Test *
* Regarding Japanese language ability, even if you have not passed each test, we will judge by the selection test, so you can apply.
Introduction of accommodationYes
Life guidance, orientation, etc. in Japan(1) Thoroughly hold briefing sessions for international students at the time of admission and when necessary.
(2) Disseminate information through notices on campus.
(3) The person in charge of international students will give guidance as needed in each case.
Part-time job introduction / part-time job policyCompliance with laws and regulations

Outline of Department for International Student Recruitment

Department of Clinical Engineering (Craft Practical Course)

Recruitment contentsDiploma / Co-education / Recruitment capacity 40 / Admission period April / Study period 3 years
TuitionAdmission fee 270,000 yen / Tuition fee 1,200,000 yen / Practical material fee 105,000 yen / Other expenses 20,000 yen Total 1,595,000 yen (825,000 yen for successful applicants recommended by school)
Number of class hoursYear / week[Lecture / Practice]1,065 hours per year/40 hours per week

Department of Child Welfare (Specialized Course for Occupational Practice)

Recruitment contentsDiploma / Co-education / Recruitment capacity 80 / Admission period April / Study period 2 years
TuitionAdmission fee 200,000 yen / Tuition fee 800,000 yen / Teaching materials fee 10,000 yen / Other expenses 22,000 yen Total 1,032,000 yen (732,000 yen for successful applicants recommended by school)
Number of class hoursYear / week[Lecture / Practice]900 hours/year/30 hours/week

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Working / active graduates from 日本メディカル福祉専門学校

日本メディカル福祉専門学校 Introduction Video

Daisenkaku with graduates who studied at Professional Training College in Osaka and are active in society 11 日本メディカル福祉専門学校 × Medical Corporation Keneikai Sanko Clinic

Daisenkaku Student Presentation_Japan 日本メディカル福祉専門学校

Artificial respiration training

Heart-lung machine training

For those who aim to become a childcare worker

One day of the Department of Child Welfare

[Pre-Practice 2 / OSCE] Department of Clinical Engineering, 日本メディカル福祉専門学校

20190210 Sun TV Work and 日本メディカル福祉専門学校 , Department of Clinical Engineering

Biological function agency device science [Heart-lung machine training] Department of Clinical Engineering, 日本メディカル福祉専門学校

Department of Clinical Engineering , 日本メディカル福祉専門学校[Basic Medical Practice]

Expression play (physical education) "Banana demon"

Department of Clinical Engineering, 日本メディカル福祉専門学校[Practice on campus]

Department of Clinical Engineering , 日本メディカル福祉専門学校[Dialysis training]

Department of Clinical Engineering , 日本メディカル福祉専門学校[School Introduction]

To the video list of this school

List of Professional Training College belonging to the medical field