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Notice from Professional Training College

School overview

School name (Japanese)大阪電子専門学校
School name (English)Osaka Electronics Professional Training College
School name (in Roman letters)Osaka Denshi Senmongakko
Street address4-5-6 Katsuyama, Tennoji-ku, Osaka 543-0043


Recruiter / AdmissionsInternational Student Section/Enrollment Office
nearest station5 minutes walk from Momodani Station on the JR Loop Line
Number of international students enrolled14 people
Main countries / regions of origin of international studentsChina, South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, Myanmar, Indonesia, Mongolia, etc.
Existence of examination for international studentsYes
International student selection test【reception】
Must arrive between October 1st and February 27th [Selection method]
Document review (in some cases, a written test may be conducted)
[Selection fee]
20,000 yen [Eligibility]
Those who correspond to or can prove to be equivalent to any of the following: Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 2 or above ●EJU “Japanese” score of 200 or above ●J.Test Level C or above ●BJT Business Japanese Proficiency Test 400 points or more
Education policy / characteristics / original individual guidance and follow-up system for international students① Support for passing the Japanese Language Proficiency Test:
└We provide exam preparation classes for international students aiming to obtain N1.
② Thorough support for finding employment in Japan:
└The employment center's selection advisors will support your job search.
③ Support for university transfer:
└We hold special classes for international students who aim to transfer to a university in their third year.
④ Approximately 120 international students graduated:
└A large number of international students have graduated, regardless of whether they have received government funding or private funding. Staff in charge of international students will support school life.
Internship status[Implementation of internships for international students]
Yes. Same as Japanese students.
[Details of specific initiatives]
Under the same conditions as Japanese students, individual support for each desired job [Company where internship]
IT/engineering companies Electrical and electronic product manufacturers, etc.
Employment support for international studentsEmployment guidance (general) Resume and resume creation guidance Interview guidance Other guidance Business etiquette
Overseas affiliated companies, schools, etc.Nothing
Contents of overseas cooperation
Qualification acquisition[Common to departments]
Japanese Language Proficiency Test N1

[Information Engineer Department]
IT Passport Examination Basic Information Technology Engineer Examination Information Certification: Jken Computer Mechanician

[Department of Electronic Engineering]
2nd class land special radio operator (can be obtained without exam while enrolled in school)
Home appliance engineer construction supervisor
Career after graduation of international students[Type of employment]
Communication business, sales business, education business, etc. [Name of company/university]
Yutaka Electronics Industry Co., Ltd., Meitec Fielders Co., Ltd., EDION Co., Ltd.,
Fuji Carbon Factory, Dyadic System, etc. University of Tsukuba, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Osaka Prefecture University, Toyohashi University of Science and Technology,
Tokushima University, Gunma University, Ehime University, Kinki University, etc.
Employment rate of international students (employees / applicants)2/3 people
System for international students[Scholarship system]
●Japan Student Services Organization Study Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students (Certain conditions apply)

[Special student system, tuition exemption, reduction/exemption measures, etc.]
●Those who have the following qualifications will be partially exempted from the admission fee (50,000 yen)
├Japanese Language Proficiency Test N2 or above ├Japanese Language Proficiency Test “Japanese” 200 points or above ├J.TEST C grade or above └BJT Business Japanese Proficiency Test 400 points or above ●Those with a Japanese language school attendance rate of 95% or above Partial exemption of admission fee (150,000 yen)
●Partial exemption of tuition fees depending on attendance rate after enrollment (up to 400,000 yen)
Other acceptance conditions● Attendance rate at Japanese language education institutions 90% or more ● Those who have completed or are expected to complete a 12-year curriculum in a foreign country and who will reach the age of 18 at the time of admission
Introduction of accommodationNothing
Life guidance, orientation, etc. in JapanManagement of attendance rate, support when applying for various government agencies, follow-up for learning necessary for qualification acquisition, etc.
Part-time job introduction / part-time job policyPart-time job for school introduction
RemarksTwice a week Japanese lessons support the acquisition of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test N1 and the realization of employment in Japan.

Outline of Department for International Student Recruitment

Information Engineer Department

Recruitment contentsDiploma / Co-education / Recruitment capacity 80 / Admission period April / Recruitment years 2 years
Tuition(Reference) For students enrolled in 2023 *Amounts vary depending on the course.
[1 year]
Admission fee 250,000 yen / Facility/maintenance fee 270,000 yen
Training fee 80,000 yen/tuition fee 630,000 yen
School fee 37,130 yen / School supplies fee 94,000-130,000 yen Total (1 year) 1,361,130-1,397,130 yen [2 years]
Facility/maintenance fee 270,000 yen / Training fee 80,000 yen Tuition fee 630,000 yen / School fee 35,130 yen School supplies fee 72,000 to 95,000 yen Total (1 year) 1,087,130 to 1,110,130 yen
Number of class hoursYear / week[Lecture / Practice][1 year]
901 hours a year / 26.5 hours a week
[Lecture 16.5h-18.5h/Practice 8h-10h]
(*Differs depending on the course)

[2 years]
901 hours a year / 26.5 hours a week
[Lecture 6.5h-8.5h/Practice 18h-20h]
(*Differs depending on the course)

Department of Electronic Engineering (Professional Professional Course)

Recruitment contentsDiploma / Co-education / Recruitment capacity 80 / Admission period April / Recruitment years 2 years
Tuition(Reference) For students enrolled in 2023 *Amounts vary depending on the course.
[1 year]
Admission fee 250,000 yen / Facility/maintenance fee 270,000 yen
Training fee 80,000 yen/tuition fee 630,000 yen
School fee 37,130 yen / School supplies fee 60,000-70,000 yen Total (1 year) 1,327,130-1,337,130 yen [2 years]
Facility/maintenance fee 270,000 yen / Training fee 80,000 yen Tuition fee 630,000 yen / School fee 35,130 yen School supplies fee 30,000-40,000 yen Total (1 year) 1,045,130-1,055,130 yen
Number of class hoursYear / week[Lecture / Practice][1 year]
901h / year 26.5h / week
[Lecture 21h / Practice 5.5h]

[2 years]
901h / year 26.5h / week
[Lecture 15h / Practice 11.5h]

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大阪電子専門学校 introduction video

Introduction to 大阪電子専門学校 (2) OEC

Introduction of Information Engineer Department, 大阪電子専門学校

Introduction of Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 大阪電子専門学校

Introduction to 大阪電子専門学校 (1) OEC

To the video list of this school

List of Professional Training College belonging to the industrial field