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Notice from Professional Training College

School overview

School name (Japanese)修成建設専門学校
School name (in Roman letters)Syusei Kensetsu Senmongakko
Street address〒555-0032
5-19-30 Owada, Nishiyodogawa Ward, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture


Recruiter / AdmissionsAdmissions staff
nearest stationAbout 5 minutes on foot from "Chibune" station on the Hanshin main line About 12 minutes on foot from "Dekijima" station on the Hanshin Namba line
Number of international students enrolled55 people (44% with bachelor's degree at time of admission)
Main countries / regions of origin of international students15 people from China, 4 people from Vietnam, 4 people from Taiwan, 12 people from Myanmar, 3 people from Cambodia,
6 people from Indonesia, 2 people from Korea, 2 people from Malaysia, 1 person from America,
2 from Solomon Islands, 4 from Sri Lanka, total 55 people
Existence of examination for international studentsYes
International student selection test[Reception] October 2nd - February 13th (Test date) Interviews are held every month [Selection method] Document screening, interview (Selection fee) Internet application: 22,000 yen [Test content] Written, interview
Education policy / characteristics / original individual guidance and follow-up system for international studentsEstablished 113 years ago, it is a school where students acquire knowledge and techniques related to Japanese construction such as architecture, civil engineering, and landscaping. Utilizing the knowledge and skills we have learned, we renovate the school, conduct field trips and practical training outside of school, and focus on practical education!!
We provide detailed support to each student regarding their career path, from employment to university transfer.
Internship status[Implementation of internships for international students]
Yes. Same as Japanese students

[Details of specific initiatives]
During summer vacation and spring vacation, they are held at design offices, construction companies, etc.

[Industry of the internship destination]
Design assistance, site management assistance, etc.

[Company name of the internship destination]
Takamatsu Techno Service Co., Ltd., IJEC Co., Ltd., Yanagi Woodworking Co., Ltd., Akagi Garden Corporation,
Han Sekkei Co., Ltd., Tsuboyama Construction Co., Ltd., Awaji Design Office, Okamoto Construction Co., Ltd., Compass Architectural Studio Co., Ltd.,
Yamamoto Sekkei Co., Ltd., Ikeshita Sekkei Co., Ltd., Daiichi Giken Co., Ltd., etc.
Employment support for international studentsEmployment guidance (general)
Resume, resume creation guidance, interview guidance, etc. (SPI measures)
Overseas affiliated companies, schools, etc.Nothing
Contents of overseas cooperation
Qualification acquisitionQualification for first-class and second-class architect examination [after graduation]
Welfare and Living Environment Coordinator Architectural CAD Certification Construction Management Engineer (Department Examination)
Residential land and building trader Color coordinator Perth certification Interior coordinator Landscaping technician Assistant surveyor Assistant building totalizer, etc.
Career after graduation of international students[Industry/type of employment]
Design offices, construction companies, etc.

[Company name of employment]
Yamada Sxl Home Co., Ltd., Yuasa Design Room Co., Ltd., Toyo Construction Co., Ltd.,
Nisso Sekkei Co., Ltd., Almic Co., Ltd., transcosmos Inc., Shu Inoue Landscaping,
Chuo Fukken Design Plus Co., Ltd., Okamoto Construction System Co., Ltd., Enegreen Co., Ltd., etc.

Kyoto Institute of Technology, Musashino Art University, Tokyo University of Science, Fukui University, Yamaguchi University, Hiroshima University,
Kumamoto University, Tokai University, Osaka University of Arts, Osaka Sangyo University, Kyoto University of Art and Design, Osaka Institute of Technology,
Setsunan University, Nihon University, Kochi University of Technology, etc.
Employment rate of international students (employees / applicants)Employment rate for international students: 95.8% (23 people employed / 24 people seeking employment)
*March 2023 Graduate Results
System for international students[Scholarship system]
A system that exempts 10% of the annual tuition fee from those who have excellent academic performance (including attendance status) by working hard in their first year after entering our school.
No application required, applicable to applicable persons in the second year of school payment.
Other acceptance conditions● Those who have a qualification equivalent to or higher than a high school graduate in Japan and are 18 years of age or older.
● Japanese Language Proficiency Test N2 or higher, Business Japanese Proficiency Test 400 points or higher, Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students 200 points or higher Those who have any of the above qualifications, or those who are recognized as having equivalent or higher abilities.
(Certificate of pass of various qualifications, transcript of Japanese language school, etc. is required)
● Foreign students can only apply for entrance exams. You cannot apply concurrently with other schools.
● This entrance examination is for those who are (planned) to stay (planned) with the status of residence of "College Student".
Introduction of accommodationYes
Life guidance, orientation, etc. in Japan●Provide countermeasure support for those who have not obtained N2.
Part-time job introduction / part-time job policy

Outline of Department for International Student Recruitment

Department of Department of Architecture(Professional Practice Course)

Recruitment contentsDiploma / Co-education / Recruitment capacity 210 / Admission period April / Recruitment years 2 years
Tuition[Tuition fees]
1st year: 1,150,000 yen (including 100,000 yen admission fee)
2nd year: 1,073,000 yen (including 23,000 yen alumni fee)

*①Payment in installments is also possible. You can choose the payment method from 1, 2, or 4 payments.
*② Admission fee (100,000 yen waived) if you participate in events such as open campus.
*③In addition to the above tuition fees, textbook fees and training fees are required.
Number of class hoursYear / week[Lecture / Practice]Approx. 30 hours/week 32 weeks/year Total hours/year 960 hours

Department of Architecture and Digital Design (Professional Practical Course)

Recruitment contentsDiploma / Co-education / Recruitment capacity 30 / Admission period April / Recruitment years 2 years
Tuition[Tuition fees]
1st year: 1,150,000 yen (including 100,000 yen admission fee)
2nd year: 1,073,000 yen (including 23,000 yen alumni fee)

*①Payment in installments is also possible. You can choose the payment method from 1, 2, or 4 payments.
*② Admission fee (100,000 yen waived) if you participate in events such as open campus.
*③In addition to the above tuition fees, textbook fees and training fees are required.
Number of class hoursYear / week[Lecture / Practice]Approx. 30 hours/week 32 weeks/year Total hours/year 960 hours

Department of Spatial Design (Specialized Course for Occupational Practice)

Recruitment contentsDiploma / Co-education / Recruitment capacity 60 / Admission period April / Recruitment years 2 years
Tuition[Tuition fees]
1st year: 1,150,000 yen (including 100,000 yen admission fee)
2nd year: 1,073,000 yen (including 23,000 yen alumni fee)

*①Payment in installments is also possible. You can choose the payment method from 1, 2, or 4 payments.
*② Admission fee (100,000 yen waived) if you participate in events such as open campus.
*③In addition to the above tuition fees, textbook fees and training fees are required.
Number of class hoursYear / week[Lecture / Practice]Approx. 30 hours/week 32 weeks/year Total hours/year 960 hours

Department of Architectural Engineering (Professional Practical Course)

Recruitment contentsDiploma / Co-education / Recruitment capacity 30 / Admission period April / Recruitment years 2 years
Tuition[Tuition fees]
1st year: 1,150,000 yen (including 100,000 yen admission fee)
2nd year: 1,073,000 yen (including 23,000 yen alumni fee)

*①Payment in installments is also possible. You can choose the payment method from 1, 2, or 4 payments.
*② Admission fee (100,000 yen waived) if you participate in events such as open campus.
*③In addition to the above tuition fees, textbook fees and training fees are required.
Number of class hoursYear / week[Lecture / Practice]Approx. 30 hours/week 32 weeks/year Total hours/year 960 hours

Department of Civil Engineering (Specialized Course for Occupational Practice)

Recruitment contentsDiploma / Co-education / Recruitment capacity 30 / Admission period April / Recruitment years 2 years
Tuition[Tuition fees]
1st year: 1,150,000 yen (including 100,000 yen admission fee)
2nd year: 1,073,000 yen (including 23,000 yen alumni fee)

*①Payment in installments is also possible. You can choose the payment method from 1, 2, or 4 payments.
*② Admission fee (100,000 yen waived) if you participate in events such as open campus.
*③In addition to the above tuition fees, textbook fees and training fees are required.
Number of class hoursYear / week[Lecture / Practice]Approx. 30 hours/week 32 weeks/year Total hours/year 960 hours

Department of Garden Design (Specialized Course for Occupational Practice)

Recruitment contentsDiploma / Co-education / Recruitment capacity 20 people / Admission period April / Recruitment years 2 years
Tuition[Tuition fees]
1st year: 1,150,000 yen (including 100,000 yen admission fee)
2nd year: 1,073,000 yen (including 23,000 yen alumni fee)

*①Payment in installments is also possible. You can choose the payment method from 1, 2, or 4 payments.
*② Admission fee (100,000 yen waived) if you participate in events such as open campus.
*③In addition to the above tuition fees, textbook fees and training fees are required.
Number of class hoursYear / week[Lecture / Practice]Approx. 30 hours/week 32 weeks/year Total hours/year 960 hours

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Working / active graduates from the 修成建設専門学校

修成建設専門学校 introduction video

Professional Training College 8 in 2 minutes_Do the job you want to do (Architecture edition)

Learning design at Syusei!!

Open Campus Trial Lesson – Window Display –

Spot Garden

Arch Bridge

Architectural Model


Each university_Interview with graduates who studied at Professional Training College in Osaka and are active in society Daisenkaku 修成建設専門学校 x Asanuma Gumi Co., Ltd.

Interviews with graduates who study at Professional Training College in Osaka and play an active role in society Daisenkaku _ Training 修成建設専門学校 x Compass Architects Co., Ltd.

Graduation Exhibition 2021 ~ Digest ~

Daisenkaku of international students_Study 修成建設専門学校

Training that can be understood in 90 seconds (for international students)

Until the Da Vinci Bridge is completed

Until the interior green is completed

Until the introspection perspective is completed

Smartphone stand production [Making Smartphone Stand]

Group Planting [Group Planting]

Architectural Model

Tsubo-niwa [Spot Grden]

How to make an arch bridge [Arch Bridge]

Architectural perspective drawing [Perspective]


Joint company information session JOINT JOB FAIRS

To the video list of this school

List of Professional Training College belonging to the industrial field