
  • 日本コンピュータ専門学校 Official Website

Notice from Professional Training College

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School overview

School name (Japanese)日本コンピュータ専門学校
School name (in Roman letters)Nihon Kompyuta Senmongakko
Street address〒533-0014
1-21-22 Toyohin, Higashiyodogawa Ward, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture


Recruiter / AdmissionsAdmissions office
nearest station9-minute walk from Kamishinjo Station on the Hankyu Kyoto Line
12-minute walk from Daido Toyosato Station on the Osaka Metro
Number of international students enrolled34 people
Main countries / regions of origin of international studentsChina, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Nepal, Laos,
Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Mongolia, Thailand, Iran, Brazil,
Russia, America
Existence of examination for international studentsYes
International student selection test[Reception] 1st September 1, 2023 - December 8, 2023, 2nd December 11, 2023 - March 31, 2024 (Applications from overseas must be submitted by December 8, 2023)
[Test date] Recruitment guidelines stated
[Selection method] Essay, interview, Japanese (selection fee) 20,000 yen (22,000 yen for applications from overseas)
Education policy / characteristics / original individual guidance and follow-up system for international studentsIt is a training school that trains experts in the computer field, and has departments and courses that can be certified and designated by each ministry and agency, and can acquire various national qualifications and examination qualifications.
In order to go on to higher education and get a job in Japan, we aim to improve the level of Japanese language and acquire specialized skills by providing the same education as Japanese people.
Internship status[Internship implementation for international students]
[Company name for internship]
Virtual Window Co., Ltd. Soft Using Co., Ltd. Nanobase Co., Ltd. Techno Creative Co., Ltd. Funtoco Co., Ltd., etc.
Employment support for international studentsAs with Japanese students, we emphasize the wishes of the individual and provide general employment guidance.
Overseas affiliated companies, schools, etc.Nothing
Contents of overseas cooperation
Qualification acquisition・ IT Passport Examination ・ Information Security Management Examination ・ Oracle Master Certification Examination ・ Web Design Skills Examination ・ Basic Information Technology Engineer Examination ・ Applied Information Technology Engineer Examination ・ AI / IoT Examination ・ CG Creator Examination, etc.
Career after graduation of international students[Employment industry/occupation]
Programmer, system engineer, web designer, graphic designer, illustrator, game creator, sound creator, etc. [Name of company to work for]
Animation Studio Seven Co., Ltd., Sopra Co., Ltd., Aspark Co., Ltd., Alps Giken Co., Ltd., Virtual Window Co., Ltd., Soft Using Co., Ltd., Nanobase Co., Ltd., Central Engineering Co., Ltd., Meitec Fielders Co., Ltd., Hanichi Co., Ltd., Digic Co., Ltd., Goonavi Co., Ltd., Funtoco Co., Ltd. My Gym Umeda School Try Group Co., Ltd. [Destination of further study]
Ibaraki University, Gunma University, Nara Women's University, Osaka Sangyo University, Kansai University, Konan University, Osaka Institute of Technology, Osaka Seikei University, Yamato University, Tokyo Keizai University, Kobe University of Health and Welfare, Kansai International University, etc.
Employment rate of international students (employees / applicants)
System for international students[Japan Student Services Organization Scholarship System]
(2 people, 2023 achievement scholarship 48,000 yen/month)
[Scholarship system for international students]
Entrance fee exemption and tuition fee reduction are available through the scholarship system. Applicants who pass the school recommendation entrance fee exemption and annual tuition fee of 300,000 yen are exempted.
Other acceptance conditions・Attendance rate of 80% or more at a Japanese language educational institution
-A person who is 18 years of age or older and has completed 12 years or more of school education in a foreign country. Or those who are expected to complete the course by the time of admission - Those who have passed the Japanese Language Proficiency Test N2 (Level 2) or above*
・Those with a score of 200 points or higher in the Japanese language subject section of the EJU*
・Those with a score of 400 points or higher on the BJT Business Japanese Proficiency Test*

*Regarding Japanese language proficiency, even if you have not passed each test, your application will be determined through the selection test, so you can still apply.
Introduction of accommodationYes
Life guidance, orientation, etc. in Japan(1) Hold briefing sessions for international students at the time of admission and when necessary, and thoroughly implement them.
(2) Disseminate information through bulletin boards on campus.
(3) The company in charge of international students will provide guidance as necessary in individual cases.
Part-time job introduction / part-time job policyYes/Based on the judgment of the school After providing guidance on compliance with domestic laws, etc., apply for a non-qualified activity agent.
Guidance will be given to maintain an appropriate learning environment, such as work content, work place, work hours, contact with employer, etc.

Outline of Department for International Student Recruitment

Web Specialist Department (Professional Practice Specialized Course)

Recruitment contentsAdvanced Diploma / Co-education / Recruitment capacity 30 / Admission period April / Period of study 4 years /
TuitionAdmission fee 270,000 yen / Tuition fee 1,000,000 yen / Teaching materials fee 73,500 yen / Other expenses 20,000 yen Total (1 year) 1,363,500 yen (793,500 yen for successful applicants recommended by school)
Number of class hoursYear / week[Lecture / Practice]1,248 hours a year / 24-28 hours a week

Digital Creator Course (Professional Practice Course)

Recruitment contentsDiploma / Co-education / Recruitment capacity 40 / Admission period April / Study period 2 years
TuitionAdmission fee 270,000 yen / Tuition fee 1,000,000 yen / Teaching materials fee 73,500 yen / Other expenses 20,000 yen Total (1 year) 1,363,500 yen (793,500 yen for successful applicants recommended by school)
Number of class hoursYear / week[Lecture / Practice]1,248 hours a year / 24-28 hours a week

Information Processing Systems Department (Professional Practice Specialized Course)

Recruitment contentsDiploma / Co-education / Recruitment capacity 40 / Admission period April / Study period 2 years
TuitionAdmission fee 270,000 yen / Tuition fee 1,000,000 yen / Teaching materials fee 73,500 yen / Other expenses 20,000 yen Total (1 year) 1,363,500 yen (793,500 yen for successful applicants recommended by school)
Number of class hoursYear / week[Lecture / Practice]1,248 hours a year / 24-28 hours a week

IT Specialist Department

Recruitment contentsCo-education / Recruitment capacity 30 people / Admission period April / Study period 1 year
TuitionAdmission fee 270,000 yen / Tuition fee 1,000,000 yen / Teaching materials fee 73,500 yen / Other expenses 20,000 yen Total (1 year) 1,363,500 yen (793,500 yen for successful applicants recommended by school)
Number of class hoursYear / week[Lecture / Practice]1,248 hours a year / 24-28 hours a week

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Working / active graduates from 日本コンピュータ専門学校

List of Professional Training College belonging to the industrial field