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School overview

School name (Japanese)大阪コミュニティワーカー専門学校
School name (in Roman letters)Osaka Community Worker Semmon Gakko
Street address〒532-0028
1-1-52 Jusomotoimazato, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka


Recruiter / AdmissionsSecretariat
nearest station[Hankyu] 8 minutes walk from Juso Station [JR] 16 minutes walk from Tsukamoto Station
Number of international students enrolled130 people
Main countries / regions of origin of international studentsNepal 46 people, Vietnam 65 people, Indonesia 4 people, China 6 people, Myanmar 5 people, Bangladesh 3 people, Mongolia 1 person
Existence of examination for international studentsYes
International student selection test*The entrance examination for 2024 has ended.
[Selection date] July 20th to October 7th (this year's entrance exam has ended)
[Selection method] Written test, essay test, interview (Japanese N2 level)
[Selection fee] 20,000 yen
Education policy / characteristics / original individual guidance and follow-up system for international studentsWe provide a learning cycle in which the class ends around 13:00 and the knowledge and skills learned at the part-time job are put into practice. *Current students are introduced to part-time jobs at nursing homes.
A slim tuition fee unique to a school run by a social welfare corporation. * Tuition can be paid in installments (50,000 yen per month).
Opened in 1984, the school offers instruction and well-equipped facilities based on tradition and achievements.
Internship statusPractical training at a long-term care facility (6 days)
1st year, 2 times
2nd year, 4 times
3rd year, 4 times
Employment support for international studentsWe provide guidance for job interviews and preparation of resumes.
We also introduce part-time jobs.
Overseas affiliated companies, schools, etc.Nothing
Contents of overseas cooperation
Qualification acquisition・Care worker ・Starter training ・Recreation instructor
Career after graduation of international students[Employment industry/occupation]
Each nursing facility
Employment rate of international students (employees / applicants)Domestic employment rate 100% (2022 results)
System for international students・ Split payment system for tuition fees ・ Long-term care part-time job introduction system
Other acceptance conditions・ Japanese Language Proficiency Test, equivalent to N3 (N3 qualification is not always required at the time of taking the test)
・ Attendance rate at Japanese language education institutions, 90% or more
Introduction of accommodationNothing
Life guidance, orientation, etc. in JapanAdmission orientation, interviews with homeroom teachers (as needed), etc.
Part-time job introduction / part-time job policyConsidering the student's desired conditions, we will introduce nursing facilities.
Remarks3-year course Class hours are 9:30-12:40 (Monday-Friday)
On Fridays, we will hold classes related to Japanese.

Outline of Department for International Student Recruitment

Community Care Department Part 1 (Professional Practice Specialized Course)

Recruitment contentsDiploma / Co-education / Recruitment capacity 80 (40 for international students) / Admission period April / Number of years of study 3 years
TuitionAdmission fee 200,000 yen/tuition fee 1,800,000 yen (if split, 50,000 yen per month)

Total 2,000,000 yen for 3 years
Number of class hoursYear / week[Lecture / Practice]22 hours a week, 6 days of training (10 times in total)

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大阪コミュニティワーカー専門学校 Introduction Video

Current student message 2

Current student message 1

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List of Professional Training College belonging to the fields of education and social welfare