
  • 鴻池生活科学専門学校 Official Website

Notice from Professional Training College

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School overview

School name (Japanese)鴻池生活科学専門学校
Street address1-2-25 Nishikonoike-cho, Higashi-Osaka-shi, Osaka 578-0976


Recruiter / AdmissionsSecretariat / Admissions Counseling Room
nearest station1 minute from Konoikeshinden Station on the JR Gakken Toshi Line
Number of international students enrolled23 people (26% possessing a bachelor's degree (university graduate/junior college graduate or higher) at time of admission)
Main countries / regions of origin of international students9 people from Myanmar, 8 people from Vietnam, 5 people from Nepal, 1 person from South Korea
Existence of examination for international studentsYes
International student selection test[Reception] September 1, 2023 - February 27, 2024 [Test dates] October 7, 2023, November 4, December 9, 2023, January 13, 2024, February 3, 3 2nd day of the month [Selection method] Interview, writing, aptitude test, document review
Education policy / characteristics / original individual guidance and follow-up system for international studentsAcquire general knowledge about welfare and nursing care and support skills, and provide full support for passing the national exam for care workers.
Guidance suitable for each individual.
Internship status[Internship for international students]
Yes. Same as Japanese students [Details of specific efforts]
Conducted at a long-term care facility under the same conditions as Japanese students [Internship industry]
Care workers
Employment support for international studentsGeneral employment guidance, resume / resume creation guidance, interview guidance, how to write thank-you notes, etc.
Overseas affiliated companies, schools, etc.Nothing
Contents of overseas cooperation
Qualification acquisition・ Long-term care welfare worker ・ Recreation instructor ・ Food education instructor 4th grade
Career after graduation of international students100% domestic employment (long-term care and welfare facilities, etc.)
Employment rate of international students (employees / applicants)100%
System for international studentsOsaka Prefecture Nursing Care Welfare Workers Study Fund Loan System
Other acceptance conditions・ Attendance rate of 90% or more at a Japanese language institution ・ Those who have completed a school curriculum of 12 years or more overseas or in their home country at the age of 18 or over ・ Japanese Language Proficiency Test N3 or above
Introduction of accommodationYes
Life guidance, orientation, etc. in Japan[April] Entrance orientation [May] Individual interview [June] Job guidance [Others] Interviews as needed
Part-time job introduction / part-time job policyYes / If you pass the set criteria in consideration of the lifestyle and class attitude on campus, you will be referred to a long-term care facility.
RemarksStarting this year, there will be a reduction/exemption system due to the introduction of the trial lesson entrance examination system.

Outline of Department for International Student Recruitment

Department of Nursing Care and Welfare

Recruitment contentsDiploma / Co-education / Recruitment capacity: 35 / Admission period April / Recruitment years: 2 years
TuitionAdmission fee: 100,000 yen / Tuition fee: 600,000 yen /
Facility operating expenses: 190,000 yen / [Total] (1st year) 890,000 yen /
Text fee, training clothing fee, etc. are required separately
Number of class hoursYear / week[Lecture / Practice]Class hours ・ 2 years
2,078h / 30h per week
(Lecture: Practical training) → (2: 1)
1 unit time 90 minutes

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Working / active graduates from 鴻池生活科学専門学校

List of Professional Training College belonging to the fields of education and social welfare