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Notice from Professional Training College

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School overview

School name (Japanese)南海福祉看護専門学校
School name (English)Nankai College of Social Work and Nursing
School name (in Roman letters)Nankai fukushi kango senmongakko
Street address〒592-0005
6-12-53 Chiyoda, Takaishi City, Osaka Prefecture


Recruiter / AdmissionsPublic Relations Department / Office
nearest station10 minutes walk from Kitasukematsu Station on the Nankai Main Line
Number of international students enrolled27 people (29.62% university graduate/junior college graduate or above at time of admission)
Main countries / regions of origin of international students11 people from Myanmar, 14 people from Vietnam, 2 people from the Philippines
Existence of examination for international studentsYes
International student selection test[Reception] 4/1 ~ 3/15 Selection interviews are available at any time [Selection method] ① Japanese composition ② Interview test ③ Document screening
Education policy / characteristics / original individual guidance and follow-up system for international studentsWe have one class per week, "Foreign Student Support Class"
Internship status
Employment support for international students
Overseas affiliated companies, schools, etc.Nothing
Contents of overseas cooperation
Qualification acquisitionCertified Care Worker National Examination Qualification
Career after graduation of international studentsElderly facility
Employment rate of international students (employees / applicants)100% 17/17
System for international students[International student support scholarship system]
・ Admission fee reduction of 150,000 yen ・ Annual scholarship of 90,000 yen, 180,000 yen for 2 years to be used for tuition
Other acceptance conditions(1) Those who are 18 years of age or older and have completed 12 years or more of school curriculum in their home country or abroad (2) In principle, those who have a Japanese Language Proficiency Test of N2 or above (3) Those who have an attendance rate of 90% or more at a Japanese language education institution (4) After graduating from our school Those who have a clear course ⑤ Those who can pay the tuition and living expenses while attending our school
Introduction of accommodationNothing
Life guidance, orientation, etc. in Japan
Part-time job introduction / part-time job policy

Outline of Department for International Student Recruitment

Department of Nursing Care and Social Welfare Care Worker Course

Recruitment contentsDiploma / Co-education / Capacity 30 / Enrollment April / 2 years
TuitionAdmission fee 230,000 yen/Tuition fee 610,000 yen/
Training fee 80,000 yen/
Facility maintenance fee 200,000 yen
Number of class hoursYear / week[Lecture / Practice]Annual class hours (1st year)
1,120 hours

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List of Professional Training College belonging to the fields of education and social welfare