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Notice from Professional Training College

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School overview

School name (Japanese)愛甲農業科学専門学校
School name (English)Aicoh School of Agri Science
School name (in Roman letters)Aiko Nogyo Kagaku Senmon Gakko
Street address7-15-1, Tenjinbashi, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 531-0041


Recruiter / AdmissionsPublic Relations Planning Division / Admissions Office
nearest station1) Take Exit 6 from "Tenjinbashisuji 6-chome" station on the Osaka Municipal Subway Tanimachi Line / Sakaisuji Line and Hankyu Senri Line, and walk north on Tenjinbashisuji for 5 minutes. 2) From "Temma" Station on the JR Osaka Loop Line 15 minutes walk to the north
Number of international students enrolled4 people
Main countries / regions of origin of international students1 person from Indonesia, 1 person from India, 1 person from Taiwan, 1 person from Myanmar
Existence of examination for international studentsYes
International student selection test[Reception] Any time from October 1st to March 11th (exam date) [Selection method] Interview, document and written screening (selection fee) 30,000 yen
Education policy / characteristics / original individual guidance and follow-up system for international students・ Because of the small number of people, it is possible to follow up carefully.
・ Thorough individual interview guidance.
・ Attendance of classes by specialized lecturers from other universities.
Internship status[Internship for international students]
Yes. Same as Japanese students

[Details of specific efforts]
Under the same conditions as Japanese students, we will respond individually according to each desired occupation.
Employment support for international studentsEmployment guidance (general), resume / resume creation guidance, interview guidance, and other guidance
Overseas affiliated companies, schools, etc.Nothing
Contents of overseas cooperation
Qualification acquisition・Agricultural Technology Certification Grade 3 to 1 ・Agricultural Bookkeeping Certification Grade 3 to 1 ・Electrician ・Nissho Bookkeeping Certification ・Architectural CAD Certification
Career after graduation of international studentsOsmic Agri Ibaraki Co., Ltd. Kasai Strawberry Farm
Employment rate of international students (employees / applicants)100%
System for international students[International student tuition reduction and exemption system]
Tuition fee (per term) 540,000 yen → 450,000 yen

《In the case of AO entrance exam》
Admission fee 200,000 yen → 50,000 yen First term facility fee 60,000 yen exemption

<< In the case of recommended entrance examination >>
Admission fee 200,000 yen → 50,000 yen
Other acceptance conditionsThose who have completed 12 years of school education in a foreign country, are able to obtain a student visa, and meet the following requirements.
1. Persons who have received Japanese language education for 6 months or more at a Japanese language education institution notified by the Minister of Justice. Or, a person who has received education for more than one year at an educational institution higher than high school as stipulated in Article 1 of the School Education Act.
2. Those with a total of 200 points or more in Japanese reading comprehension, listening comprehension, and listening comprehension on the EJU (sponsored by the Japan Student Services Organization, an independent administrative agency). Or those who have passed the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (sponsored by the Japan International Education Support Association) equivalent to N2 or above.
Introduction of accommodationNothing
Life guidance, orientation, etc. in Japan[April] Admission Orientation

Extracurricular lessons are available several times a year
Part-time job introduction / part-time job policy

Outline of Department for International Student Recruitment

Department of system cultivation

Recruitment contentsDiploma / Co-education / Recruitment capacity 80 / Admission period April / Year of study 2 years
TuitionAdmission fee/200,000 yen Tuition fee/(first semester) 450,000 yen (second semester) 450,000 yen Facility fee/(first semester) 60,000 yen (second semester) 60,000 yen Teaching material fee/60,000 yen First year total/1,280,000 yen
Number of class hoursYear / week[Lecture / Practice]1,020 hours per year/30 hours per week
(1 credit time 45 minutes)

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List of Professional Training College belonging to the agricultural field