Foreign students seen in the data

Introducing the data on the number of international students enrolled in Japanese educational institutions and their employment status. As of May 1, 2021, the number of international students is 242,444 (37,153 compared to the previous year (down 13.3%)).

*Source: “2021 (Reiwa 3) International Student Enrollment Status Survey Results March 2021” Independent Administrative Institution Japan Student Services Organization

BEST10 number of international students by country of origin (region)

First place China 114,255 (47.1%)
2nd place Vietnam 49,469 (20.4%)
3rd place Nepal 18,825 (7.8%)
4th Korea 14,247 (5.9%)
5th place Indonesia 5,792 (2.4%)
6th place Taiwan 4,887 (2.0%)
7th place Sri Lanka 3,762 (1.6%)
8th place Myanmar 3,496 (1.4%)
9th place Bangladesh 3,095 (1.3%)
10th Mongolia 2,619 (1.1%)
Other   21,997 (9.0%)

*Source: “2021 (Reiwa 3) International Student Enrollment Survey Results March 2022” Independent Administrative Institution Japan Student Services Organization

Breakdown of the number of international students enrolled

University (undergraduate) 73,715 (30.4%)
Professional Training College 70,268 (29.0%)
graduate School 52,759 (21.7%)
Japanese language institution 40,567 (16.7%)
Junior college 2,331 (1.0%)
Others (Professional Training College of Technology, Preparatory Curriculum) 2,804 (1.2%)

*Source: “2021 (Reiwa 3) International Student Enrollment Survey Results March 2022” Independent Administrative Institution Japan Student Services Organization

International student life in Japan

Monthly balance (average)


Monthly living expenses for international students


Division Kinki national average
Study and research expenses 46,000 yen 45,000 yen
school expenses 0.4 thousand yen 50,000 yen
food expenses 28,000 yen 28,000 yen
Housing expense 35,000 yen 35,000 yen
Utility costs 6,000 yen 7,000 yen
Insurance and medical expenses 30,000 yen 30,000 yen
entertainment expenses 6,000 yen 6,000 yen
Other expenses 9,000 yen 9,000 yen
Balance 11,000 yen 10,000 yen
total 148,000 yen 148,000 yen

*Source: FY2019 Survey on Lifestyle of Privately Financed International Students / Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)

tuition fee

Cost of going on to a Professional Training College

Average amount by 8 fields Average first year tuition
Industrial field 1,309,833 yen
Agricultural field 1,287,000 yen
Medical field 1,415,714 yen
Hygiene field 1,511,250 yen
Education / social welfare field 1,079,250 yen
Commercial practice field 1,116,000 yen
Clothing and home economics 1,085,000 yen
Culture / culture field 1,172,000 yen

*Source: Student Guide to Japan 2019-2020 / Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)

Part-time jobs for Professional Training College students

Part-time employment rate (Professional Training College)

Part-time employment rate (Professional Training College)

Type of part-time job (multiple answer question / top 5 occupations)

Restaurant business 40.2%
Sales/sales (convenience stores, etc.) 33.0%
Translation interpretation 6.3%
teaching assistant 5.6%
language teacher 5.1%

* Hotels, cleaning, etc. line up next.

*Source: FY2019 Survey on Lifestyle of Privately Financed International Students / Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)


Scholarship rate (Professional Training College)

Scholarship rate (Professional Training College)

Breakdown of Scholarships (Higher Education Institutions)

breakdown receipt rate Average monthly fee
scholarship 47.2% 48,000 yen
scholarship from school 23.9% 42,000 yen
Local Government Scholarships 4.6% 52,000 yen
private organization scholarships 21.2% 90,000 yen
Scholarships from overseas organizations 2.3% 84,000 yen
Other 8.7% 73,000 yen

*Source: FY2019 Survey on Lifestyle of Privately Financed International Students / Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)