Voices of companies hiring foreign students from Professional Training College

What do companies want from global human resources and how do they work every day? We will explore the needs of the field by interviewing companies with different experience points and company questionnaires.

Employer voice

We talked to a hotel personnel manager who said that a quarter of the employees are foreign resources and that they plan to hire them in the future. He also talked about creating a comfortable working environment, such as unique training for foreign human resources.

Employing company

Candeo Hospitality Management Co., Ltd. CANDEO HOTELS

Human Resources Enhancement Project General Manager

Mr. Hiroaki Tabata
In order to respond to the rapid increase in hotel users of foreign tourists, it is natural to serve customers in their native language.
Mr. Tabata photo

Professional Training College graduate

Regumi Narayan Prasad
  • Country of origin: Nepal
  • School name, major name:
    Graduated from Osaka YMCA International Professional Training College Graduated from International Hotel Department Hotel Course
  • Graduation year: March 2017
  • Joined company: April 2017
  • How did you study in Japan: When I was looking for a job with a high level of service, I came up with the idea that a hotel is a place where you can learn excellent hospitality. I learned that Japan is the country with the best hospitality in the world, so I came to Japan to learn about the world's best hospitality services.
Mr. Regmi photo
We are actively hiring foreign employees.

50% of our hotel guests are sightseeing, and the number of foreign tourists is increasing at 1 in 40. As we shift from group travel to individual travel, it is essential to serve our customers in their native language in order to meet a wide variety of requests. Currently, 26% of our employees are foreigners, and we plan to continue to actively hire them.

We offer Japanese hospitality. Foreign employees are also trained to learn hospitality and work, and are creating a comfortable working environment.

First, get used to the Japanese workplace. And to have them work happily in Japan. To that end, what kind of thoughts did you have for your purpose and future dreams when you came to Japan? And what do you want to be? How do you want to be While taking an inventory of such things, I will draw a career to approach the future I envision. I think there are many things I don't understand in my daily life, but I am telling you that you can always consult. In addition, we are trying to get used to the team as soon as possible, such as by meeting with friends from the same country.

The point of hiring international students is not to cause a mismatch. Employees from the same country of origin may be present at the hiring interview for foreigners.

When interviewing foreigners, we have employees from the same country of origin present. Even if it can be judged whether this suits our company or not, and whether it is suitable for customer service business, matching of things like national characteristics that can only be understood natively, such as cultural differences, historical background, regional characteristics, etc., is for Japanese people. I don't know, so I'm grateful for that part.

I want you to acquire Japanese hospitality and bridge Japan with your customers.

I would like Mr. Prasad to acquire Japanese hospitality and provide services that satisfy Nepalese customers and other foreign tourists. All the staff are working hard so that customers can bring back memories of their wonderful trips in Japan.

Questionnaire results for hiring companies in Osaka

Q1. "Ability required for global human resources" If your company hires foreigners, how much do you require the following items?

Percentage of companies that chose the following items as "very demanding" (from "very demanding", "somewhat demanding", "neither can be said", "not much demanding", "not demanding at all")

  1. Japanese ability 53.8%
  2. Knowing morals 42.9%
  3. Diligent, polite 38.2%
  4. Cooperative, well aware of the other person 31.9%
  5. Foreign language ability (English, native language) 29.4%
  6. Power to strive for success 27.3%
  7. You can switch the idea between your country of origin and Japan 20.2%
  8. Understand the emotions of Japan 16.0%
  9. Professional knowledge and skills 11.8%
  10. Sentience and creativity unique to foreigners 6.3%

Ability required for global human resources

Q2. If your company hires international students, please indicate the country / region of origin you are looking for. (Multiple answers)

(Of the 238 responding companies, multiple responses from 138 companies that "willing to hire in the future")

  • 1st place Vietnam 48.6%
  • 2nd place China 39.1%
  • 3rd place Taiwan 29.0%
  • 4th place South Korea 27.5%
  • 5th place Myanmar 23.9%
  • 6th place Indonesia 22.5%
  • 7th place Malaysia 18.1%
  • 8th place Philippines 17.4%
  • 9th place Nepal 11.6%
  • 10th place Brazil 9.4%
  • 11th place Peru 7.2%
  • 12th place Others 26.8%

Country / region of origin

Q3. What do you expect from international students?

  • Japanese ability
  • Communication skills
  • Bridging between Japan and home country
  • Expertise
  • Contribute to internal globalization
  • Disseminating the charm of Japan to the world
  • There is no distinction between Japanese and international students, and I would like to hire them if they have the ability.

Q4. What did you find out after adopting it?

  • It is necessary to understand the customs, customs and religions of your home country.
  • Please understand that a certain amount of on-site experience is required to become a manager.

Q5. What are the difficulties when hiring?

  • Matching is important. The turnover rate increases in workplaces that international students do not want.
  • I couldn't get a work visa.

Q6. What do you expect from global human resources who study and work in Osaka? (Free answer)

Japanese ability
  • Good language usage, language proficiency
  • Improve your Japanese
Language skills other than Japanese
  • English ability etc.
communication ability
  • Acquisition of a certain level of expertise
  • Clarify how to utilize your technology for the company.
Organizational and internal revitalization, globalization, and diversity
  • Tissue activation
  • In-house globalization and diversity
  • Ensuring diversity within the company
  • Global perspective
  • Good stimulus for other employees
  • Awareness of international sensibilities around people through cross-cultural exchange
Bridging Japan and your own country, public relations role to disseminate "the charm of Japan" in your own country and Japan
  • Bridging
  • Disseminate information about Osaka to many people in your home country
  • Strengthening cooperation between Japan and other countries
  • Employment / entrepreneurship in your home country
  • Hospitality to foreigners visiting Japan, dissemination of the charm of Japan
Understanding of Japanese culture and society
  • Sufficient understanding of Japanese culture and customs
  • I want you to study the good points of Japanese culture
  • Human resources who can harmonize with Japanese employees
  • Adaptability to different cultures
Providing new perspectives and ideas unique to foreigners
  • A new perspective from international students who grew up in different cultures
  • Providing new ideas
  • Demonstrate the abilities that only international students have

Q1, Q2 Source: 2015 Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology commissioned business Specialized Training College employment assistance business "Survey on recruitment of foreign students"
Organized by: Association for Technical and Career Education, Daisenkaku
Co-sponsored by: Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry Survey target: 238 member companies of the Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry Implementation period: November 2015

Q3-6 Source: Foreign Student Recruitment Exchange Meeting Participant Questionnaire Daisenkaku
Survey target: 96 questionnaires collected [Target: 145 people in total (73 companies, 46 Professional Training College, 10 governments, 16 others)]
Implementation period: November 13, 2017