As the internationalization of corporate activities becomes active, the number of companies that are hiring or considering foreign human resources is increasing. In addition to Japanese language ability, the number of foreign students who have studied higher education in their home countries and acquired specialized knowledge is increasing. With regard to domestic employment of foreign human resources, legal conditions are being relaxed by the government and various support activities are accelerating, so recruitment of foreign human resources is considered to be an important consideration for corporate activities in the future.

Foreign human resources

Things to keep in mind when hiring foreign resources

Legal notes

① Status of residence

There are various statuses of residence (working visas) related to employment conditions.

② Notification

When hiring a foreigner, you are required to submit a "Foreigner Employment Status Notification Form".

③ Illegal employment

If a foreigner who does not have a status of residence works, it will be illegal work.

④ Minimum wage

Like the Japanese, the minimum wage system is stipulated by law.

Precautions for employment

work visa

Habitual notes

  • Cultural customs: There are customs different from Japan such as vacation period
  • Religion: Understanding religious behavior such as worship and eating habits is required

Consideration of worship

Consideration of eating habits

The positive and negative aspects of hiring foreigners

Expected plus points
  • Stabilize overseas base operations and acquire new customers
  • Raising and revitalizing Japanese employees
  • Strengthening international competitiveness and new development
  • Development of new products and services from the perspective of foreign human resources
Minus points of concern
  • Complicated image of visa application procedure
  • Understanding of Japanese commercial culture
  • Turnover
  • Anxiety about communication

Advantages and disadvantages of companies that employ foreigners

Benefits of hiring foreigners
  • Resolving labor shortages in the manufacturing industry, etc.
  • Promotion of entry into overseas markets and implementation of surveys
  • Maintaining international competitiveness / new development
  • Securing human resources with advanced technology and knowledge
  • In-house activation by introducing cross-cultural human resources
Disadvantages of hiring foreigners
  • It is necessary to improve the system for accepting foreign staff
  • It is necessary to improve the staff education system of the department in charge
  • It is necessary to secure experts on related laws

Points that companies should hold down

Thorough information sharing within the company to maximize the benefits of hiring foreigners

* Share foreigner recruitment points not only with the department that controls management decisions but also with on-site staff

It is best to "get used to" the guidance for applying for a status of residence (working visa) and the management of foreign staff.

* There are tips for applying for status of residence and managing foreign staff, which tend to be complicated and difficult! (Link: Next page)

Widely open recruitment considering the content of the job type, not judging only by educational background and work experience

* Foreigners who have acquired special skills at a Professional Training College in Japan may be able to work immediately!

Clarification of the purpose of employment of foreigners

  • Securing excellent human resources for business development related to new international strategies
  • Responsible for contact operations with overseas business partners for sales promotion and business facilitation
  • Discovering planners who take advantage of foreigners' sensibilities, network building, and international sensibilities
  • Securing staff with specialized fields and skills that are difficult for Japanese to secure
  • Aim to revitalize the company, including the impact on Japanese employees

Difference between visa and status of residence

Visa role
  1. Ministry of Foreign Affairs jurisdiction
  2. Documents required for foreigners to enter Japan, issued by the Japanese embassy or consulate abroad
  3. Stamp / sticker attached to passport

Meaning of recommendation that there is no problem even if the foreigner enters Japan based on the examination by the Japanese Consulate, etc.

Role of status of residence
  1. Ministry of Justice jurisdiction
  2. Permission for foreigners to stay in Japan legally. Permitted by the Immigration Bureau of Japan (former Immigration Bureau)
  3. Residence card issuance (medium- to long-term stay)

Legal qualification that the foreigner can work in Japan according to the purpose of residence permitted by the application

Now that deregulation is progressing, it is important to determine the status of residence (working visa)!