About 60% of international students want to get a job in Japan

As of May 1, 2017, the number of international students is 267,042. In 2016, a record high of 19 thousand people changed their status of residence from "College Student" to a status of residence that allows them to work, and about 60% of international students want to work in Japan.

* Reference: Mitsubishi UFJ Research & Consulting Co., Ltd. "Actual conditions and issues of accepting international students and highly-skilled foreigners" January 2018

For those who want to study abroad

International students with high motivation to learn

International students attending Professional Training College are students who want to acquire skills and knowledge in a specific field in Japan, and are characterized by a high level of learning and employment awareness. Some international students enroll in a Professional Training College after graduating from a university in their home country or after working in their home country. After graduation, he is active as a human resource who is ready to work.

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Daisenkaku will support international students to find employment in Japanese companies

In order to contribute to the acquisition of human resources for companies that are rushing to expand globally, we provide opportunities for companies and international students to meet at industry-academia exchange meetings and internships.
In addition, even if you want to be hired, there are problems such as not knowing the legal procedure, complicated office work such as visa renewal, and heavy human burden. Daisenkaku strives to reduce the burden on companies by sharing the legal procedures for hiring international students through seminars and taking part in the procedures.
We will help companies to hire highly Daisenkaku international students by cooperating with each university.

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