Alvin Ho

Alvin Ho

System development
Country / region of origin
Work placeYamato System Development Co., Ltd.
Department / Job titleIT Group Solution Company
Joined the company1st year (2010 coverage)
Alma mater 清風情報工科学院 , Department of Comprehensive Computer (2 years)
Graduation yearMarch 2010

I am doing my best to play a part in overseas business development in the future.


What is your current job?


Support services for Asian courier services, such as asset management and release, creation of operation tools and procedure manuals, and response to inquiries from overseas offices.


How are you making use of what you learned while you were at school?


I am applying the software development knowledge I learned at school to create operational tools in the workplace. The deliverables are different, but I think that knowledge is very useful because the concept of manufacturing is the same.


Why did you get a job (choose a job) at your current workplace?


I thought that I could fully demonstrate the IT knowledge I had studied and my language skills. My current workplace is trying to expand my business overseas, including my country of origin, so I thought I could participate and play an active role as an international student.


Please tell us about your job satisfaction and future goals.


The operation tool I made works well, and I find it very rewarding when it is used in the production environment. From now on, in order to be involved in the upstream process, I would like to quickly understand the mechanism of the operation system and absorb the necessary knowledge.

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