Mr. Johiri

Mr. Johiri

Country / region of origin
Work placeNankai Electric Railway Co., Ltd.
Department / Job titleBusiness Promotion Office Tourism Division
Joined the company1st year (2015 coverage)
Alma mater エール学園 International Business Department Dual Business (100% Employment Guarantee) Course
Graduation yearSeptember 2015

I want to convey the charm of Japanese tourism as a bridge between my home country and Japan.


What is your current job?


Multilingual translation of various bulletins, multilingual creation of various pamphlets, overseas sales activities, information gathering and development of local sales channels, regular information dissemination through global sites, etc. are related to inbound work.


How are you making use of what you learned while you were at school?


The English, business Japanese, and business etiquette I learned at school are very useful at work. Honorifics, which I was not particularly good at, can now be used for customers and bosses at work.


Why did you get a job (choose a job) at your current workplace?


Originally I loved traveling, and I became interested in the inbound business because of my internship. I chose the tourism business because I thought I could make use of my work experience in advertising and planning in my home country. It is a company that has been internship for 3 months.


Please tell us about your job satisfaction and future goals.


I would like to convey Japanese tourist facilities and train culture to more foreigners, including tourists from my home country. And I will continue to make efforts to provide services that further satisfy foreign tourists visiting Japan.

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