Mr. Chen Xing

Mr. Chen Xing

Office work / services
Country / region of origin
Work placeLogos Corporation
Department / Job titleConsumer support department
Joined the company1st year (2014 coverage)
Alma mater エール学園 International Business Department Trade Business Course
Graduation yearMarch 2014

I want to learn honorifics for a satisfactory service.


What is your current job?


It is a job to deal with products returned due to customer complaints. We arrange repairs and replacements for products centered on the outdoors, and make quotations for products requested by customers.


How are you making use of what you learned while you were at school?


The most useful knowledge I learned at school is Japanese. I'm not good at honorifics, so I tried to use honorifics when talking to my friends at school, and I usually study. I think it's very important to make it a habit to speak in honorifics.


Why did you get a job (choose a job) at your current workplace?


I wanted to continue studying Japanese and wanted to be a company that could work in Japan. Also, because I have to remember a lot of the products that the company sells, it was also a decisive factor that I could make use of my good memory.


Please tell us about your job satisfaction and future goals.


The first thing we think about is how to interact well with our customers. I find it very rewarding when I can solve the customer's problems properly. We aim to be a staff member who can respond to any customer's concerns.

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