Mr. Futokuki

Mr. Futokuki

Import buyer
Country / region of origin
Hong Kong
Work placeYamazato Sangyo Co., Ltd.
Department / Job titleMaterial Management Division International Office
Joined the company1st year (2011 coverage)
Alma mater 関西外語専門学校 of International Business
Graduation yearMarch 2011

We want to make our company a world-famous company by making efforts to build relationships with overseas companies.


What is your current job?


We manufacture and sell electrical machinery and electronic components, and I work in the import department. I am in charge of the job of a buyer who buys parts by discussing the price and delivery date of the product with overseas companies.


How are you making use of what you learned while you were at school?


When I was a Professional Training College, I focused on learning about trade. That knowledge is being put to the maximum in your current work.


Why did you get a job (choose a job) at your current workplace?


I chose this job because I can make use of the industrial knowledge I learned at a Japanese Professional Training College when I was in junior high school and multiple language skills such as Chinese, Cantonese, English, and Japanese.


Please tell us about your job satisfaction and future goals.


I find it rewarding because I can make the most of my language skills and the knowledge I have acquired at school in the workplace. Our goal is to help build better relationships with overseas companies and make us a well-known company known to people all over the world.

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