Park Sang-kyu

Park Sang-kyu

Logistics management
Country / region of origin
Work placeTomei Engineering Co., Ltd.
Department / Job titleSales department
Joined the company1st year (2011 coverage)
Alma mater 関西外語専門学校 Trade Major
Graduation yearMarch 2011

In the future, I would like to experience all departments of the company, including logistics, and acquire various knowledge.


What is your current job?


I am mainly in charge of the procedure for delivering products imported from South Korea to Japanese customers. In addition, we also manage delivery dates and adjust import schedules from South Korea.


How are you making use of what you learned while you were at school?


The "trade theory" I learned at school is very useful. There was a class on the flow of trade, types of documents, etc. With that knowledge, I think I was able to adapt quickly in my actual work.


Why did you get a job (choose a job) at your current workplace?


Overseas sales was a profession that I had longed for since I was a child. The impression I had of my current workplace, which was introduced by the principal when I was at school, was very good, and I thought, "I want to realize my dream here."


Please tell us about your job satisfaction and future goals.


I find this job that connects Japan and South Korea very rewarding. I would like to continue studying trade and become a trade expert in the future.

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