Ms. Jokiko

Ms. Jokiko

Planning and sales
Country / region of origin
Work placeKintetsu Hotel Systems Co., Ltd.
Department / Job titlePlanning and Sales Headquarters Inbound Business Promotion Department
Joined the company1st year (2014 coverage)
Alma mater Osaka YMCA International Professional Training College International Hotel Department
Graduation yearMarch 2014

The key to good communication is to take a step from yourself.


What is your current job?


I often go on business trips in Japan and abroad to promote inbound tourism in the Asian region. At business meetings in Asia, I can make use of my smile, energy, and my mother tongue, Chinese.


How are you making use of what you learned while you were at school?


Studying English and various foreign languages, and computer lessons. And since YMCA has a "grooming standard" that is practiced every day, it is also useful to be able to manage personal grooming.


Why did you get a job (choose a job) at your current workplace?


I love communication, so I chose the hotel business. As a new employee, I am honored to be assigned to the Inbound Business Promotion Department after training for half a year after joining the company.


Please tell us about your job satisfaction and future goals.


When my efforts lead to the profits of the company, I am filled with a sense of fulfillment. I think it's best to do your best in your current job. Also, English is so important that I want to continue studying.

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