Thu Zar Mon

Thu Zar Mon

Country / region of origin
Work placeCast Consulting (Yes) [Myanmar]
Department / Job titleOne-stop service for legal, accounting and taxation, consultant
Joined the company1st year (2013 coverage)
Alma mater 日本コンピュータ専門学校 , Department of Information Processing Systems, Web Systems Course
Graduation yearMarch 2013

I want to be able to solve the problems that clients face.


What is your current job?


Based in Yangon, Myanmar consultants and lawyers who are familiar with Japanese will visit the site, establish a local corporation / office, obtain various licenses, register registration procedures, introduce human resources, M & A cases, business support related to legal affairs, accounting and tax affairs. We support Japanese companies' expansion into Myanmar, such as business support, personnel and labor related matters.


How are you making use of what you learned while you were at school?


We utilize homepage creation as one of the company services that we learned while attending school.


Why did you get a job (choose a job) at your current workplace?


This is because we want to contribute to the development of our home country by establishing many Japanese companies in our home country.


Please tell us about your job satisfaction and future goals.


I want to be able to express my home country well in Japanese (especially legally). We want to be able to solve the accounting or legal issues that our clients face in the future.

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