privacy policy

The Osaka Prefectural College of Specialized Training College Association pays close attention to the protection of personal information and handles personal information in accordance with the following eight principles of the OECD Privacy Protection Guidelines.

Collection principle

There should be restrictions on the collection of personal data, and any personal data should be collected by lawful and fair means and, where appropriate, with the data subject informed or with consent. Is.

Data content principles

Personal data should be in line with its intended use and should be kept accurate, complete and up-to-date to the extent necessary for its intended use.

Principle of clarifying purpose

The purpose of collecting personal data must be clarified at a time not later than the time of collection, and the subsequent use of data is consistent with the achievement of the purpose of collection or the time of change of purpose. It should be limited to the achievement of other objectives clarified in.

Principle of usage restrictions

Personal data should not be disclosed, provided or otherwise used for any purpose other than its stated purpose, except in the following cases:

  • With the consent of the data subject
  • When required by law

Safety protection principles

Personal data must be protected by reasonable safeguards against risks such as loss or unauthorized access, destruction, use, modification and disclosure.

Principle of disclosure

General public policies must be taken for the development, operation and policies of personal data. Means for identifying the data controller and clarifying the usual address, as well as the existence, nature and primary purpose of use of personal data must be readily available.

Principle of individual participation

The individual must be given the following rights:

  • Obtain confirmation from the data manager or others as to whether the data manager has data about him / her.
  • Have the person provide data about the person within a reasonable period of time, if necessary, at a reasonable cost, in a reasonable manner, and in an easy-to-understand manner.

If the above request is denied, be informed of the reason and be able to challenge such refusal.
To file an objection to the data related to the person, and if the objection is found, delete, correct, complete, or correct the data.

Principle of responsibility

The data controller is responsible for following the measures that implement the above principles.