Japanese Professional Training College where you can acquire advanced expertise, qualifications, and skills

A Professional Training College is a Japanese higher education institution that provides practical vocational education.
An educational institution that aims to acquire the knowledge, skills, and skills necessary for profession and real life, and to improve education. There are schools in various fields.

Number of Professional Training College in Japan : 2,779 , enrollment 279,586 , number of students: 604,415 (as of May 2020)

* Source: "Reiwa 2nd Year School Basic Survey / Specialized Training College" Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

Those who aim to study Japanese 1

Positioning of Japanese Professional Training College

A Professional Training College is positioned as the same "higher education institution" as universities and junior colleges, and is an institution responsible for vocational education at the higher education stage in Japan.
Currently, those who have completed a course with a period of study of 2 years or more (total class hours of 1,700 hours or more) are "specialists", and those who have completed a course of study period of 4 years or more (total class hours of 3,400 hours or more) are "advanced". The title of "Diploma" is given, and "Diploma" can be transferred to a university and "Advanced Diploma" can be admitted to a graduate school.

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Strong in employment and can transfer to university

The biggest feature of Japanese Professional Training College is that they are directly linked to employment. It is an educational institution that aims to acquire high expertise in all occupational fields.
Professional Training College have always responded to the needs of society and worked with industry. As a vocational education institution, our track record of producing human resources who are ready to work is linked to the high employment rate of graduates.
In addition, the quality of the education is highly evaluated by the university, and students who have completed two years of study are allowed to transfer to the university.